Knee replacement it is a very rewarding surgery in terms of pain relief and improving the functional ability of the patient suffering from knee arthritis. It can correct the deformities in the knees, Increase the walking ability of the patient an in turn helps in improving the overall health of the patient. Despite the obvious benefits of knee replacement there is still reluctance in patients mind to undergo knee surgery because of the perceived pain following surgery. There is a belief in general population that the knee replacement surgery is a very painful procedure and this prevents many patients to take the benefit of this surgery. This may have been true in the past but with the advent of newer techniques and better pain management drugs this does not hold true in today’s times.
The technique of knee replacement has undergone significant changes. Minimally invasive techniques have decreased the size of incision and also causes less tissue trauma which decrease is the pain. Previously the bulky instrumentation required for knee replacement necessitated putting big incisions on the knee joint. But now with smart instrumentation, Navigation or Robotic techniques the incisions have become much smaller. Newer pain relieving drugs are also available which are much more effective without causing any side effects. PCA ( Patient control analgesia) is technique where the patient can control the amount of drug needed according to his need Without causing overdose. Proper physiotherapy exercises and modalities helps in ambulating the patient early and also decreasing the pain. All this technological advancement and newer drugs has made knee replacement surgery very comfortable and almost painless for the patient.